Individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
We can book an initial 30-minute telephone conversation so I can gain an overview of your difficulties, understand what you want to achieve, explore how we can work together, and determine whether CBT is the best intervention for you.
If we are both happy to move forward, we can arrange a 80-minute assessment session. This allows us to work together to gain a deeper understanding of current difficulties, how they are being maintained and impacting your life, and identify areas of change.
We will agree on the duration of your treatment depending on the complexity of your difficulties and your goals. Typically, each treatment session will be 50 minutes and our work together will be between 8 and 12 sessions, but it can be up to 20 weeks, with sessions either weekly or fortnightly.
30-minute telephone initial consultation: Free
80-minute assessment session: £85
50-minute face-to-face treatment sessions: £75
50-minute online treatment sessions: £70*
*These prices are based on provisional accreditation. When full accreditation is acquired, prices are likely to increase.